Salt Lake City Life Improvement Center

We can help relieve the painful emotion in your life.

Painful emotion from past traumatic experiences often continues to affect you in the present, making it hard to feel happy and enjoy life.

Even when you think you've moved on, the past painful emotion can be triggered, sending you back into the pain of that experience. And we are talking about pain. Emotions such as grief, depression, anxiety, fear, anger, simmering resentment, feelings of shame, blaming and regret can feel like physical pain in their intensity! At the Dianetics and Scientology Life Improvement Center we can help you remove your painful emotions and eliminate them from your life.

Painful experiences that can linger on:

· A broken relationship or divorce.

· Death or loss of a loved one.

· Death of a pet.

· A sudden shock or bad news.

· A betrayal.

· Being part of an abusive relationship.

· A bad injustice.

· Loss of a job, position or business.

· Grave illness or injury.

The painful emotions from these experiences don't just go away on their own. But the good news is there is a way to clear them out of your way so you can enjoy life once again.

Overcome the pain from past bad experiences with Dianetics Auditing

Dianetics auditing can release your painful emotions and past trauma so that you can move forward with your life again. Auditing comes from Latin audire, meaning "to hear or listen." Dianetics auditing gets to the source of a person’s painful emotion and eliminates it.

This is accomplished with a Dianetics auditor in a one-on-one session. He or she will gently guide you to the incident(s) that are causing the painful emotion to persist, and using the Dianetics procedure, discharge it. This can give you considerable relief and a permanent removal of that painful emotion from
your life.

Dianetics auditing employs no drugs or techniques such as hypnosis. Instead, you are fully awake at all times. Dianetics auditing is an applied science. It is precise, thoroughly codified and has exact procedures. Call (801) 532-8008 to contact us for more information.

Success Story

“I no longer have to carry around the shame of this incident. I feel free.”

“Tonight's auditing was a huge success. I was able to see the true light of what Dianetics is all about. Being in a safe place to go through one of the most horrific and puzzling times of my life and seeing it for what it truly was. I no longer have to carry around the shame of this incident. I feel free.” — I.S.